The NLA (New London Architecture) are launching their exhibition and report on Public London: Activating the City today, recognising the role of the LFA and BIDs in bringing London to life.
The Tooley Street Beacon: From Concept to Icon
The Tooley Street Beacon features highly, a project starting as a design competition at LFA 2018 that is enjoyed by thousands of people every day. Charles Holland Architecture worked with us to transform this nondescript space into a destination, meeting point, and (quite possibly) London’s biggest fingerpost.
The Low Line: Reimagining Urban Spaces
Also recognised is the Low Line, our collaborative project to reimagine and activate the spaces inside and outside the railway viaduct with design, greening and a spirit of opening up. Brilliant, innovative businesses are doing the rest to make this such a great place to work and visit.
As part of the LFA, we have run a range of popular walks with a host of guides, receiving incredibly positive feedback.
Our walk from Bankside to Bermondsey showcased the role that partnering BIDs and multiple partners are playing, whether through small-scale design input or major architectural transformations. It’s amazing how many awards and accolades the Low Line has – a Low Line walk is highly recommended (come to us to collect your badge once you’ve done it).
Architectural and Green Spaces Highlights
Southwark architect Benedict O’Looney ran two tours on the amazing Architecture of Tooley Street, a treat for anyone interested in the rich mix of architectural styles we see today. This was capped by visits to the stunning interiors of St Olave’s House (HCA) and the LaLit hotel – wow!
Darryl Moore from Cityscapes showed off the plethora of green spaces that we have created over the years, now in full bloom, bringing nature, and all the benefits of nature, into our lives. It’s well worth a lunchtime tour via our green spaces trail. One lady told me she regularly comes from Portsmouth to replenish books in the Little Library in Gibbons Rents.
It’s great that the role of BIDs is recognised by the NLA in activating London, and it is such a privilege to work on partnership projects which involve and engage so many community members and bring delight to multiple audiences. This is even more important with changing working and socialising habits, we need to constantly rethink and respond in such a dynamic environment as London.
Happy birthday to BIDs, LFA and Low Line. I look forward to all the exciting activation of the City the next 10 years will bring!
– Jack Skillen, Placeshaping Director, Team London Bridge