Your Vote, Our Commitment
Vote YES to Our London Bridge
You may know Team London Bridge for our community police officers, pocket parks or sustainability initiatives. Perhaps you’ve used our DealCard, CargoBike scheme, or attended one of our free events. We create green spaces, build connections, and support a stronger, more inclusive community – all to make London Bridge a better place to do business.
For nearly two decades, local businesses have shaped this thriving district through the Business Improvement District (BID). This May, it’s time to Vote YES to Our London Bridge for another five years.

How it works
The Team London Bridge ballot is the process by which local businesses vote on whether to continue the Business Improvement District (BID) for another five years.
Each eligible business within the BID area receives a ballot paper and can vote by post. For the BID to be renewed, a majority of businesses must vote in favour, both by number and by total rateable value. If successful, the BID will continue to deliver projects and services that benefit the local area.
The ballot is an opportunity for businesses to shape the future of Our London Bridge together.
Key Dates
28 April 2025 – Ballot papers issued by post
5 June 2025 – Ballot closes
6 June 2025 – Results announced
How to Vote
If your business is within the BID boundary, you will receive a ballot paper by post. A named key contact at your business will be responsible for receiving and completing the ballot.
Voting is by post only (electronic voting is not allowed by law). If you haven’t received your ballot or need to check your voting contact, email
When you cast your vote, mark an ‘X’ in the YES or NO box to answer:
“Are you in favour of renewing the London Bridge Business Improvement District?”.
Sign the ballot paper (unsigned papers won’t count) and return it in the pre-paid envelope provided.
Deadline: Your ballot must arrive before the official closing date on June 5th.