Local Investment

Building Bridges Fund

Our Building Bridges Fund for the current round is set to support two key charity partners over three years to develop their long-term financial sustainability and directly engage with our diverse business community.

After an extensive application and screening process, we are delighted to appoint Bankside Open Spaces Trust and Disability Sports Coach as our two charity partners until June 2025. You can learn more about the charities on this page.


In addition to the grant funding to develop recipient projects, engage with stakeholders and invest in core infrastructure costs, the partnership also involves ongoing communication with Team London Bridge and direct support via promotional activities such as marketing and partner events. And more importantly, thinking creatively in order to find ways for both the charities and the business community in London Bridge to benefit.

Find out about our current recipients below.

Disability Sports Coach

Disability Sports Coach want all disabled people to enjoy active lives and feel connected to a supportive community. Our mission is to use the power of sport to enhance the lives of disabled people.
Since forming in 2013, our charity has delivered sport and physical activity to over 21,000 disabled people and their families, trained over 5,000 people through inclusive workshops and supported over 300 organisations to make their sessions more inclusive.

By the end of our funding period with Team London Bridge, Disability Sports Coach will have:

  • Set up the borough’s first Southwark Inclusive Activity Network, bringing businesses together to raise awareness of disability and inclusive sport
  • Trained at least 50 employees from the network on disability awareness in the workplace and engaged hundreds more through a series of annual events
  • Improved the physical and mental health of almost 100 disabled people who will attend our inclusive Community Club at the Castle Leisure Centre in Southwark.

Bankside Open Spaces Trust

BOST protects and preserves public green space in SE1 – a densely populated area with a severe deficit of public open space.
Marlborough Sports Garden is located at the eastern end of Union Street and is held by BOST on a 25-year lease from Southwark Council.

Our vision for Marlborough Sports Garden is to create an environment where children and young people can find it easier to eat well, exercise more, develop a love for and proficiency in many sports, and establish healthy habits for life.

By the end of the funding period with TLB, BOST will have:

  • Developed new schemes based on 2021/22 pilots to support those with additional needs (disabilities, behavioural challenges or whose parents need additional support to facilitate attendance) to join our sessions after-school, dedicated SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) activities and programmes for those with disabilities, who are D/deaf and/or neurodivergent.
  • Built on current walking football sessions to create more free walking sports sessions for men and women aged 55+ living with chronic health conditions, cancer and dementia. Additional sessions could include walking netball, walking short-tennis and walking beach volleyball.
  • Developed opportunities for local businesses to use the facilities to support staff and client engagement, connectedness, health and wellbeing.


Applications are now CLOSED, due to re-open in 2025.

Click here for the Building Bridges Fund guidelines and application process.

For smaller grants that benefit Southwark residents, visit: Building Communities Fund