InterAct employs a team of professional actors to deliver free reading sessions that are tailored to suit the needs of each individual stroke patient. Our approach can help stimulate memory, engage language, and lift spirits – ultimately alleviating symptoms of post stroke depression which can slow or even arrest recovery. Our actors work locally with Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation, in our community stroke club in Southwark, and with residents via our online service InterAct At Home.
How you can help
InterAct relies on partnerships and donations to maintain our services and keep the service free for stroke survivors. Your support is vital to the continuation of InterAct’s work.
Corporate Partnerships – We work with corporate sponsors to develop long lasting partnerships. We offer actor led workshops that can help teams develop presentation skills and public speaking as well as ‘wellbeing breaks’ where actors read to teams. You can read more about the therapeutic power of reading out loud here. Contact catherine@interactstroke.org to talk about corporate partnerships.
Fundraising – Run, jump, or bake your way to helping us. Set up an InterAct fundraiser today.
Donations – If you would like to support InterAct through individual giving, please click here. £30 will pay for a hospital session or a 1-1 remote session.
Ambassadors – Do you have a story of survival to share? We would like to hear from you! Please contact admin@interactstroke.org