Education Business Alliance Southwark provide an opportunity for employees to give back to their community through volunteering their time and inspiring young people in one of the most diverse boroughs in London. We provide training and organise DBS checks for all business clients interested in volunteering.

How you can help

One-off volunteering

We are in need of some volunteers for our current projects:

  • Young Enterprise
  • Primary School Readers
  • Financial Literacy
  • Careers Fair
  • Business Visits

If you would like to know more about these projects, or how to volunteer, please visit our website.

Regular volunteering

We are always on the lookout for volunteers to take part in some of our ongoing projects. Please visit our website for more information on each of the specific projects we run.

Primary School Readers

If you would like to assist with secondary school mentoring or apply as a primary school, reading mentor please do register your interest here.

Business Visits

Help raise the aspirations of young people by getting involved. We are looking for business partners to offer the chance for students to come and visit their office/workplace to gain an insight into the work you do. Offer a business visit by registering here.

Careers Fair

We hold an annual interactive Careers Fair attended by a number of different local schools. If you would be interested in taking part by delivering an interactive workshop on your industry, or you are interested in hosting the fair, please do contact us here.

Work Experience

We are always on the lookout for work experience placements for our young people. Placements take place across the school year.

Offer work experience to talented young people for a taster in the world of work here.

Find out more