Tanner Street Park has four tennis courts, right here near London Bridge Station. They can be booked by anyone, no need to become a member - although memberships and concessions are available.

The tennis courts are on the east side of the park.

There are four tennis courts, there are no floodlights, toilets or changing facilities. 


Southwark Council are committed to making sport accessible and affordable to everyone in the community, helping people of all ages and abilities enjoy the sport. We have a range of memberships/concessions that entitles the member to play tennis at discounted rates! Also, on offer is our junior membership which is available to individuals under 18 and will enable young people to book and play tennis for free. 

Book Tennis Courts at Tanner Street Park Here

Court Booking & Membership Enquiries

Please contact the London Borough of Southwark Sport and Physical Activity team. 

sports@southwark.gov.uk 020 7525 2000 Southwark Council Website

Please note office hours are Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm

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