Zoom in for a creative hour with artist Gail Seres-Woolfson, as she shares her artwork, inspiration and processes, and leads us through some quick collage and drawing exercises using simple, everyday materials.
To join in with the making, the following materials are suggested (but you will be able to adapt the exercises to use what you have):
Very useful: pencil, paper (computer paper is fine, but if you have it some heavier paper is ideal), scissors, pritstick/glue, tape, a magazine/newspaper, markerpen/feltpens/rollerballs/pencil colours, a sheet of tracing paper or home baking paper.
Added extras: ruler, any coloured/patterned paper scraps you might have, post-it notes, any paints and small brushes you have
Gail’s painting ‘Urban Seabed’ is currently part of the London Bridge Hotel Open 3 exhibition, and this session echoes the exhibition theme ‘Urban Nature’.
We asked Gail: How does living or working in Southwark inspire your artworks? – My practice is an enquiry into the urban landscape. I love the dynamism of Southwark, with the constant construction and the sharp contrasts of old and new, brick and glass, busy pavements and quiet tucked away alleys and green spaces. More from the blog entry here .
You can see more of Gail’s work here: www.gailsereswoolfson.com / www.instagram.com/gailsereswoolfson
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