Nature Encounter with artist Kay Walsh.
In a series of 8 workshops we will be exploring the green spaces within the local area.
Sit spots are special outdoor places you return to again and again to sit quietly, observe and just be. Participants will be encouraged to tune in and find a special spot within the surrounding area to make their own. This can take time to find.
Once settled the person will slowly tune in to a contemplative place where they will notice what happens to the body and mind when we just sit and breath.
After returning to the group to share initial thoughts we will then return to our spot for a longer period and this time record our experiences using text or image to describe what happens when we take the time to sit.
It is hoped participants will visit their sit spot regularly claiming their own special place within the urban environment in the future.
Whatever our relationship to nature is we can all get closer. Through a series of encounters we hope to introduce local residents and workers to listen in, see and experience what may have been hidden or previously unnoticed within the urban environment.
Research shows even a micro encounter with the natural world can improve mood and well being by tuning into our surroundings.
In a series of 8 workshops we will be exploring the green spaces within the local area using our senses to create, observe and record and inhabit these spaces in new ways.
Artist Bio
Kay Walsh has exhibited both nationally and internationally and has investigated ideas of nature and our impact on places and spaces within it.
Using photography, video, sound and text her work explores narratives that exist within specific landscapes.
Slow movement and slow looking take the viewer on a journey in search of something often hidden or hard to find.
In her film 'All His Rights' ideas of sustainability, and rewilding are explored through social history, ecology and environmental concerns raised around the Red Deer.
Current work focuses on light that occupies the spaces within a domestic setting. Documenting the changing occupation of a family home through photography and text.
Presented by Team London Bridge as part of its programme for Totally Thames - Thames Festival Trust