Team London Bridge is committed to building links with the local Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) inside and around what has become a vibrant business district.

We appreciate that not everyone has the time or energy to devote to first finding and then funding a good cause that they identify with. This is why we set up the Building Bridges, Building Futures and Building Communities Funds. In this way every business that contributes to Team London Bridge through the BID levy can be part of a collective Responsible Business policy for the area. Case studies are available for each project that has benefited from the funds and can be used for annual reporting, on request.

Why do we provide funding for community groups? 

The Building Bridges, Building Communities and Building Futures Funds help us all do more, with less.  Just over 5% of your BID levy contribution goes into these funds, yet the number of local organisations and the Southwark residents that have benefited from this money is enormous.  

An amazing variety of projects promote positive community engagement, support cross-sector partnerships and help local VCS groups develop and become more sustainable, better delivering crucial services to their service users and wider communities. 

The ultimate aim is to have a Southwark community that is more positively engaged, supported and connected, with further opportunities for direct partnerships between London Bridge-based businesses and opportunities to develop necessary local programmes. 

The Building Bridges Task Group

A task group of London Bridge-based business representatives is responsible for managing this area of our work and makes funding decisions at regular meetings. Find out more about the task group here.

Contact - Sofia, Responsibe Business and Events Manager



Find out more about each of our funding processes and selections below.

Building Communities Fund - closed, applications for this fund will re-open early 2025.

Building Bridges Fund - browse our 2022/2025 charity partners and grant recipients. Currently not accepting applications, due to re-open in 2025/26

Schools Fund - 2023/24 academic year now open. See our guidelines and how to apply

Building Futures Fund - currently inactive, browse our past grantees