Webinar Series: Live Savvy at Home/ Build Back Better Post-Crisis


Team London Bridge presents a two-part interactive event series, live and online! 

Join us as Hubbub leads the London Bridge community through two live events to explore sustainability during these strange and uncertain times. First up, they will take us through the proactive measures we can take to #LiveSavvy at home during isolation. Then, we will explore what can be learned from our current situation to identify any positive societal trends to build on when the worst is over. 

Hubbub is the environmental behaviour change organisation that covers everything from fashion to food and from the homes we live in, to the spaces around us, bringing you hacks and campaigns with simple ways to take action. 

Building on our Responsible Business agenda, Team London Bridge are bringing you closer to the expertise that Hubbub have been harnessing since their work began in 2014. They aim to inspire ways of living that are good for the environment as well as each of us. 

Thursday 30th April, 3pm 
Ready to Live Savvy at home? Here’s how. 

Times are strange and uncertain and, with lots of us spending more time indoors, Hubbub is here to take you through ways to #LiveSavvy at home during isolation. For this live event, you will be workshopping with Hubbub experts to identify simple actions that are good for you, your family and friends (and the environment, too). Actions that, together, have profound collective impact. Think making your food go further and growing at home to getting creative with fashion and balancing household bills. 

Thursday 7th May, 3pm 
How can we build back better post-crisis?  

In a matter of weeks, COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the way that businesses operate. Join us as we will look into how people are adapting to enforced behaviour changes found in social distancing and homeworking and identify any sustainable benefits that could be retained to build a more sustainable society post-crisis.