Digital Residencies at The Big Draw

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The Big Draw is looking for proposals for three digital residencies to be delivered in or across May and June 2021. The Big Draw are looking for challenging, engaging and intriguing works in any discipline and/or medium, both digital and physical, to respond to our 2021 Big Draw Festival theme, Make the Change. Each digital residency can have a point of real-world engagement, blending the physical and digital together, but this is not a defining element.

Residencies could take place across a more intensive week, or across a month, depending upon the proposal, time available and the artists’ approach.

These residencies are open to all artists, and The Big Draw want to encourage applications from immigrant and diaspora artists, artists who identify as LGBTQIA or as disabled in the broadest terms. This information is expanded on in much greater detail later on in the full brief.

The digital residency will look to spotlight the chosen artists’ work, feature them on The Big Draw blog, undertake an Instagram Live with The Big Draw Director and invite them to takeover The Big Draw social media channels. Work produced and any connected content will be shared online with The Big Draw audiences around the world. 

Deadline for entries is 6pm, Wednesday 28 April 2021

For more information and how to apply, read the full brief here. Download the whole application package (including Design Brief & Equal Opportunities form) below.

Guest UserLLBart