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Dance Umbrella Presents - Family Creative Dance Workshop with Charlene Low

Photography by Vipul Sangoi

Photography by Vipul Sangoi


Sensory Movement and Dance Storytelling for all the Family.

Let’s go on a journey to take us out of lockdown to a place full of colour, movement, laughter music and dance from our homes. Join Charlene in using everyday household objects, your body and imagination to build your new world together.

This workshop is in collaboration with Dance Umbrella - London’s international dance festival, celebrating 21st century choreography across the capital.

Here are the household props that participants joining with the workshop will need or have prepped:

  • Pillow case (1 per person)

  • Books -any size (1 per person)

  • citrus fruit -orange / lemon / lime (1 per person)

  • hand held fan (can be home made from scrap paper / card, link to help those create one

  • paper confetti made by tearing up small pieces of scrap paper / magazine

You can see more of the work that Charlene does on


Our Love Lunch wellbeing campaign continues in a lockdown friendly format, bringing the best of London Bridge to your home.

In these uncertain times, being mindful of our mental and physical health is more important than ever. Take a break in your daily routine and enjoy this virtual programme of events and content, created for you by local businesses and cultural attractions based in and around London Bridge.

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