Green Marine Future


As COP26 approaches it is good to see the capital at the forefront of sustainable transport innovation. London’s River Bus operator, Uber Boat by Thames Clippers, has won Department for Transport (DfT) funding to support three projects to research and develop green river transport for the future.

Already a modern and fuel-efficient passenger boat service operating on the River Thames, Uber Boat by Thames Clippers applied for the funding in collaboration with other partners, via the Innovate UK Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition, to further drive green tech capabilities forward. The three projects, which focus on new power and propulsion technologies and emissions-reducing solutions, are part of a long term commitment by the company to support the sustainable growth of infrastructure and economic development on and around the river.

Geoff Symonds, Uber Boat by Thames Clippers’ Chief Operating Officer, said of the funding:

“We believe strongly in protecting and preserving the River Thames and the communities close to the river. This means moving as fast as the technology will allow us to viably move away from diesel-powered vessels. This funding from the DfT, via Innovate UK, allows us to accelerate our development of a more sustainable future for Uber Boat by Thames Clippers, as well as for a greener marine future for the industry. We are proud to have secured this investment and excited to be working alongside specialists in the relevant fields to continue to drive innovation within the sector.”

All of the DfT-funded projects enable research into the future capabilities to design the new generation of river transport; greener, more efficient and advancing the existing technology. The three Clean Maritime projects, which will kickstart the decarbonising of the Thames, are:

  • Clipper 2.0: Economical and technical feasibility of decarbonising high-speed public water transport on the River Thames

  • Cross River Zero Emissions Ferry

  • Project HOST (Hydrogen and Oxygen South Thames)

For more information, visit

Lucinda Kellaway