Join us in creating a Zero Carbon London Bridge


Team London Bridge is developing a route map towards a Zero Carbon London Bridge.

For this we want to work with all of our businesses. We have commissioned sustainability experts Useful Projects and xtonnes to undertake this work with us.

xtonnes have an easy-to-use carbon footprint tool that we are offering free of charge as part of the project. Your business will be able to access the tool to build up a profile of your emissions. It will also help us form an accurate picture of our collective London Bridge carbon footprint, identify the main contributors and help us identify key actions we can take towards a zero carbon neighbourhood. None of the information provided will be shared with other businesses or 3rd parties.

How to take part?

Just tell us if your business would like to take part and who is the best contact to assist with this work, including completing an online assessment. It will help if this person has access to data about the business, has the capacity to attend an onboarding meeting/call, and ideally an interest in sustainability. 

The quick assessment including the onboarding session could take as little as a couple of hours over a few days.  The more time you put in beyond that, the more your business can get out of the process. The data collected should help your business to succeed as we move to de-carbonise.

Key dates

  • Respond by 2 Feb if you can take part, and tell us who is the best contact

  • Our partners at xtonnes will send the online assessment to the contact point on w/c 7 February. You can choose to complete just the quick assessment (by 4 March), or to also refine it with more data for a more accurate footprint (until June)

  • xtonnes will run onboarding sessions on 9 & 10 Feb, followed by drop-in Q&A sessions

More details about what we are doing, the benefit to your business and who would make a good lead contact can be found on our webpage. I really look forward to working together on this important piece of work.

Contact Jack at

Lucinda Kellaway