Cross River Partnership secures DEFRA funding to tackle London's Air Quality


Cross River Partnership (CRP), a non-profit and impartial partnership organisation, has secured £1,000,000 of Air Quality grant funding from central government department Defra to deliver the Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) project.

Team London Bridge will be a proud partner in the project which will be delivered over the period 1st July 2023 - 31st December 2024, with ongoing Air Quality improvements continuing beyond the life of the project.

SGL aims to minimise the impact of freight on noise, air quality, traffic and pavement space by making improvements across 14 London boroughs and three London Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), including the London Bridge BID.  

Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) forms part of CRP’s wider activities to encourage sustainable logistics across London. This includes the development of rail freight and walking freight initiatives, helping to improve London’s air quality and supporting CRP’s vision to make London a better place to live, work and visit. 

33% of harmful NOx emissions from road transport in London comes from freight vehicles (Source: Freight and Servicing Action Plan report 2018). 29% of PM2.5 emissions from road transport in London comes from freight vehicles.

SGL will implement a range of Logistics Elements in order to clean up London’s air, including:

  1. Network of Mini-Freight Hubs

  2. Kerbside Management

  3. Click and Collect/Parcel Lockers

  4. Shared Electric Vehicle schemes

  5. Cargo Bike deliveries

  6. Logistics Sector Support

  7. Monitoring to capture benefits

SGL will share lessons between partners, geographical areas, elements and sectors, for maximum take-up of successful initiatives and impacts.

For more details, visit Cross River Partnership or read more about the Government’s Air Quality Grant Scheme here.

Don Campbell