We were overwhelmed by the positive response from the London Bridge business community to our newsletter call out for volunteers. On the day 21 local employees from Hilson Moran, Macfarlane Associates, Entocycle, Grainger and Hilton joined us to get the transformation underway.

Despite the demanding task of clearing the site, the volunteers worked tirelessly and in great spirits. Restaurant Story, on the doorstep of the garden, kindly offered a delicious lunch and refreshments to fuel all the hard work.

The transformation of Queen Elizabeth Gardens is set to be complete within the coming week (why not check it out on our green space trail). We are working with idverde to clear the site, and our go-to award-winning landscape designer Daryl Moore from Cityscapes on a new planting plan – full of perennials, biodiversity and goodness. This will be a treat for the local insect and bird populations, and for those using the space for an al-fresco lunch, as the days (finally) get warmer.

As always, we have taken a sustainable approach to the project, with some of the plants retained, others re-used or composted, and some of our volunteers have taken cuttings to grow at home. We contributed 24 tonne-bags of weeds and cuttings to a Southwark composting site and it took a total of 144 worker-hours to clear the site.

If you’d like to give back locally we invite you to browse these fantastic local charities and explore the different ways in which you can help https://www.teamlondonbridge.co.uk/local-charities-az.

Reach out to Sofia@teamlondonbridge.co.uk for further assistance.