We’re proud to showcase all London Bridge employers that have obtained the accreditation so far*, and hope that this Living Wage week, we can help push the movement forward and encourage more of our community to champion a fare wage for all.

Southwark Council has been re-accredited as a Living Wage Place. To date, the increase in accreditations in the borough has meant an extra £4,700 a year, for over 6,000 Southwark workers. We’re proud to be part of the business action group that drives this action forward. The council have also launched a new Living Wage survey with a chance to win a £150 voucher from Grazing for those that complete it.

“We know how much difference paying the London Living Wage makes to people in Southwark. It alleviates in-work poverty, allows people to live more comfortable lives where they can provide for their families and plan for the future.” – Cllr John Batteson, Southwark Council

94% of Living Wage businesses say they’ve benefited since accrediting, noting boosts in staff productivity and motivation at work. If you are focusing on ESG reporting or the SDGs, obtaining the Living Wage accreditation is a very impactful step you can take! There’s a lot more work to do and we’ve got ambitious plans, so, if you’d like to be involved or simply to find out more, please get in touch with our Responsible Business Director, Sofia Alexandrache.

The new 2024-25 real Living Wage rates were announced on the 23rd October as £12.60 across the UK, £13.85 in London. Find out more about the Living Wage Foundation here.

*If you are a Living Wage accredited business and can’t see your business name here, do let us know.