Banned right turn from Borough High St to Duke St


Transport for London has recently made a number of changes to London Bridge, which saw the bridge reopened to general traffic on a restricted schedule in September:

By way of a reminder the restrictions are:

Between 07:00 and 19:00 Monday to Friday, bridge access will be limited to buses, licensed taxis, motorcyclists and people walking and cycling onlyGeneral traffic will be able to access the bridge after 19:00 and before 07:00 Monday to Friday, and at all times during weekends Licensed taxis are permitted to use the bridge at all times.

TfL carried on undertaking remedial works to the bridge. These works will be completed on Monday 12 October. At that point we will remove our traffic management barriers and signs and reinstate the banned right turn from Borough High Street to Duke Street Hill. The banned turn was removed temporarily while works were underway.

Lucinda Kellawaytravel, tfl