Latest support available from London Business Hub


The London Business Hub is free and impartial, with decades of collective experience. As part of the national Growth Hub network, they’re here to help you find the best possible solutions to your problems. No matter what stage your business is at.

Please see an update on new resources available below:

  • Webinar on 9 December
    “The end of the EU Transition Period -What does this mean for London Business”
    . Register here

  • The COVID-19 Business Help Series
    The London Business Hub have planned three new webinars for the coming weeks on “Supercharge Your Sales”, “Financial Planning” and “Social Media Advertising for SMEs”. Further information on how to register for webinars and on the schedule/content of webinars is available on the London Business Hub webpage here.

  • Free 1:1 support for ERDF eligible SME’s in London,

    Up to 12 hours with one of our advisers. Appointments can be booked via the website at

  •  Case study of the Bertotti Artisanal Ice cream shop:

    See how LBH advisors have helped this business to be better equipped to go through this second lockdown. 

Additional Initiatives 

  • Property Advice Service – to help SMEs find the right space and fully understand the costs associated with renting a property. The next workshop takes place on 4th December 2020, 10.30am, it will focus on COVID-19’s impact on commercial spaces, helping businesses to understand their leases, rent negotiation & business rates. To join, businesses can register interest for the programme here:

  • Recovery and Grow – a programme in partnership with CASS Business School for established SMEs with ambitions to grow. Businesses can register their interest here:

  • Peer Network – we understand businesses are eager to connect with one another to share experiences and learning. This programme will create a community of businesses to collaboratively work through common business issues. Business leaders can register here:


The London Business Hub website continues to be updated daily with all the latest support available to businesses, including their Covid-19 Hub and EU Transition Hub.

Follow LBH on Twitter @LDNBusinessHub, on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Lucinda Kellaway