Update for Southwark businesses affected by COVID-19


The latest update for Southwark businesses affected by COVID-19

Please explore Southwark Council’s pages on COVID-19 prevention for businesses  and COVID-19 business support and information for the latest advice for you and your employees following the government’s announcement of new national restrictions between 5 November and 2 December.

New national restrictions 

On Saturday, the Prime Minister announced new national lockdown restrictions from Thursday 5 November until Wednesday 2 December. These include requiring people to stay home (except for specific purposes), preventing gatherings between households and closing certain businesses and venues.

All non-essential retail, leisure facilities, entertainment venues and personal care businesses such as hair, beauty and nail salons must close. Hospitality venues like restaurants, bars and pubs must close, but can still provide takeaway and delivery services. You can find more details of which businesses will be required to close on the government’s website.

Business grants 

The government announced that businesses required to close due to the new national restrictions may be eligible for grants of up to £3,000 per month under the Local Restrictions Support Grant. The grants will be distributed by local authorities and we are currently awaiting further detail from the government.

We will announce further information as soon as possible and full detail will be published on our COVID-19 business support and information web page soon as it is available.

Job Retention Scheme extended until December

The government has announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will be extended until December. The scheme will provide grants to employers to pay 80% of wages for employees not working, up to £2,500 a month. Employers will need to cover National Insurance and employer pension contributions but will not be required to contribute towards salary costs as previously required. Employers may top up salaries to 100% if they wish.

You can learn more about the new changes to the Job Retention Scheme here.

Contact Southwark Council

Thank you for continuing to follow guidance through difficult circumstances and helping to keep our community safe. We will stay available offering advice and information at SouthwarkBusinessDesk@southwark.gov.uk

Lucinda Kellawaycovid