South London Cares Appeal


Local charity South London Cares are appealing for donations to help continue their work.

South London Cares has suspended face-to-face programmes with older people due to the Coronavirus C-19 outbreak. Our neighbours' health is our number one priority.

But our teams are already working tirelessly to help older neighbours to have someone to turn to, and someone to talk to, during this emergency. Already hundreds of phone calls have helped to reassure older people in south London, to ask what people need, and to provide connection in a disconnecting time.

But we need to do more and we need your help to do it.

 We urgently need donations to help us to continue our work in new and innovative ways as we evolve our programmes to deliver dynamic pilot projects – virtual social clubs, letter writing schemes and so much more - to help our older neighbours stay connected to our network and other services they might need during this outbreak. That’s why South London Cares has launched an emergency appeal on Crowdfunder, where all donations will be doubled. You can donate here.