Network Rail Announce New Measures to Support Retailers


Network Rail offers support to its retailers by suspending all payments of minimum guaranteed rents for a period of 3 months.

We have been monitoring the evolving situation surrounding Coronavirus, the impacts on businesses and the actions being taken in response.

Network Rail values its retail partners greatly. We recognise that this is an extremely challenging time for your business and acknowledge that real support is needed now.

Therefore, we will be immediately writing to all our retailers in our Managed Stations to confirm that we will:

Suspend all payments of minimum guaranteed rents for the first quarter of 2020/21 (Q1 – April 2020 to June 2020 inclusive)

We understand more support may be required as this situation develops. We will continue to liaise with central Government and will keep speaking with you about how we can assist further.

We hope that with this change, together, we can continue to provide a level of service, not only for passengers still travelling to work, but for the communities that surround our stations too. We understand you may need to make adjustments to staffing and opening hours during this time. Like you, our first priority remains the health and wellbeing of your employees and customers.

None of us are quite sure yet how long the Coronavirus situation will last or what the short and medium-term impacts will be, therefore we will keep our strategy for supporting you under constant review and will provide further updates over the coming weeks.

Please keep in contact with us during this time – we are here to help.

- Network Rail