London Bridge businesses get creative to beat the Corona Virus threat


The London Bridge business community has been busy reinventing itself; keeping stay-at-home customers happy and supporting NHS staff

The Corona Virus pandemic is wreaking havoc across the country and businesses are being forced to close for the public good. However, our business community is coming together to keep their customers fed, watered, fit and mentally strong as they stay at home over the weeks to come. 

Local bars, fitness clubs, restaurants, wellbeing experts, theatres and museums are among the businesses that have used  this time to bring customers new online offerings. Keeping local employees healthy, Fitness First is broadcasting live workouts every weekday at 11am, while many restaurants including The Real Greek, Pizza Pilgrims and Rosa’s Thai are staging cook-alongs at home.

For those craving some local culture, The Unicorn Theatre’s production ‘Girls Like That’ is available to watch online and The London Bridge Experience, The Old Operating Theatre and IWM have some great online content. You can find all this and more on our ever-growing Love London Bridge hub.

The community has also got firmly behind the NHS staff working so hard on our behalf. Nip Nip are offering free cycle repairs, Fully Charged are offering three months free rental of an eclectic bike,  The Shard and Tower Bridge have both been lit blue to show their support, Leon have launched a national ‘Feed NHS’ initiative, and Pizza Pilgrims, Tesco and Tower Tandoori have been supplying free food to NHS Staff at Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital. 

Tower Tandoori, said “We want to help in any way we can. Providing free food to the various departments of Guys Hospital, St Thomas’ Hospital and Kings College Hospital along with the local care home and doctors surgeries is our way of showing support to our key workers.”

In addition, Brigade Bar and Kitchen have been giving out free meals to the homeless and vulnerable, exemplifying the responsible attitude of London Bridge businesses.   

‘We have always known that London Bridge businesses are resilient, they’ve had to be, and now they are showing their strength again through entrepreneurial innovation. The 45,000 local employees  at home for the next few weeks can cook a recipe from their favourite restaurant, or even ‘go to the gym’, keeping them in touch with their ‘normal’ lifestyle and making this situation a little more pleasant as we fight the pandemic’.

Team London Bridge Executive Director, Nadia Broccardo

Pizza Pilgrims, who usually run a busy branch in London Bridge, said: ‘Ever since opening in London Bridge, we’ve felt welcomed and supported by everyone in the community. Pizza really does bring people together and we wanted to make sure that even though our ovens are off for now, you can use your grill and a frying pan at home to have a crack at making our pizza through our cook-a-longs!’

Our online hub is growing daily, where visitors can find a section to keep adults and kids entertained and a lockdown-friendly ‘Love Lunch’ series of free to view sessions. 

Photographs from Instagram

Lucinda Kellaway