The Coal Shed Set to open October 1st


The Coal Shed's time away from London Bridge has allowed the team room to reflect, grow and explore new skills. Now they're committed to coming back stronger, reopening their doors on October 1st with the promise of new partnerships, produce and energy.

We speak to Founder and MD Raz Helalat about what guests can look forward to when they return, including several new dishes for the menu. 

The Coal Shed’s Lockdown Experience

The positive thing about this experience was having time to reflect.  Running a hospitality business is 24/7. You live and breathe it day in day out. We’ve learnt the importance of being agile and able to adapt, not be fixed in your business model but being amenable to change and fluidity. We’ve had to rise to the challenge and have witnesses the power of customer support both for morale and also to build your business – we’ve definitely shared this journey with our customers.

We now know, more than ever, the importance and value of a great team that will work together through thick and thin to overcome these challenges. We’re definitely coming back with an even stronger bond. Not forgetting about the amazing suppliers we work with and how without them we would not have a story to share.

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What can visitors look forward to?  

We really can’t reiterate how good it feels to be swinging open the doors again. As always our guest will be greeted with the warmest of welcomes and we will be putting our sharing dishes at the heart of what we do. Feasting with friends and family is what we are all about. 

We’re also honoured to announce we will be working with our new friends at Lake District Farmers to bring you the best rare breed beef and lamb the UK has to offer. The Chefs are busy perfecting several new dishes for the menu, the Lake District Lamb grilled rump, glazed hot pot & roasting Juices could be one that makes the final cut alongside the smoked beef short-rib with garlic fried potatoes, barbequed hispi - and of course, our grilled sharing fish for two with steamed mussels, seasonal greens, potatoes & herb salsa .

What are your looking forward to most about your return to London Bridge? 

Just the general buzz of the area. We’ve watched people gradually coming back over the past few weeks and it feels so good to see the life returning. We’ll be sourcing our bread from Bread Ahead at Borough Market so will be talking a stroll down there to see the other traders also. You can’t beat Borough Market for a true slice of London’s history, and to make you feel home again.

Hygiene/ social distancing measures: 
We will of course be putting the safety of our guests and team at the forefront of everything we do, and will be following the most up to date guidance and legislation from the government. 

Bookings for The Coal Shed are now open

Opening Hours:
Tuesday – Friday 5pm – 10pm 
Saturday 12pm – 10pm 
Sunday 12pm – 7pm 

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