Desks for Rent at Making Music Office

Making Music have desk space available for rent - 8 Holyrood Street, London SE1 2EL, third floor

As Covid will be with us probably for another year, Making Music are not looking to fill the space to its maximum (‘normal’) capacity, but to ensure that social distancing and a fully Covid-secure way of operating can be maintained for our own team and the team of any organisation(s) licensing part of the space.

Therefore, Making Music are able to offer four desks (and some associated storage space). These could be licensed either to two different organisations looking for two desks each, or to one organisation looking for 4 desks. Please see the photos for the layout.

The space is free now, so available with immediate effect. Please ask for Covid-secure protocols.

Screen Shot 2021-06-14 at 09.55.29.png

Please note Making Music would be responsible for providing office furniture and so would discuss your needs and purchase new items if needed, e.g. larger desks, different chairs.


Rent: Price per desk £200 a month; with some storage included (shelves, potentially a couple of storage boxes elsewhere on the floor). Price includes use of meeting room/ kitchen/bathrooms, electricity, heating and cleaning.

Internet: you can use our internet - we would charge a % of total usage. We work out the total full-time hours at Making Music and at your organisation and then charge monthly for your proportion. You can get your own connection if preferred.

Refreshments: Optional. £5/full time person/month. This includes coffee, tea, milk, sugar, herbal teas, decaf versions, snacks, kitchen towels and other relevant consumables. Once we have done this calculation it would be fixed - so we would only adjust it if there was a significant increase or decrease in staffing. You can provide your own if you’d rather.

Phones: Optional. £7.95/user/month. We can also add mobile apps at £3.50/ user/ month. Use your own system if preferred.

Printing: Pay as you use (10p per colour page, 2p per black & white), added to next rent invoice.

VAT: there is no VAT on rent, but all other costs would have VAT added on top.

Who else is in the office?

Making Music: the UK association for leisure-time music groups – 13 people maximum, though not usually all at the same time

Ora Singers: a professional choir - 2 people maximum, though mostly just one

Linda Nottingham: a piano teacher - separate studio; in non-Covid times happy for people to use the room for piano or other music practise when she’s not teaching

Clare Birks: a management consultant - separate office

The Meeting Room

Usually (i.e. not socially distanced) seats 8-10 people comfortably and has large TV screen and computer, so can be used for Zoom meetings, etc., or to show films, presentations, share documents etc..

Please email to set up a call, Zoom or site visit.

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