Pledge to Southwark and Lewisham Women's Service to help raise £10k


Unlock DOUBLE donations through the Big Give Women & Girls match fund campaign for the Women’s Service

Support this essential service providing opportunity and hope to women at risk across Southwark & Lewisham


From the 8th to 15th March, the Southwark & Lewisham Women's Service will be running a virtual match fund campaign supported by The Big Give, hoping to raise much-needed funding. For every £1 donated another pound will be added to the donation pot doubling up the amount. All public donations must be given via the link below which will be live from 12pm on the 8th March until 12pm on the 15th March:

Women's Services Match Funding 2022 ( (cards and Paypal accepted)

The charity’s fundraising target is set to £10,000, but whatever money raised will be matched by the DCM’s Tampon Tax Fund until its ring-fenced match funding award is used up. The award is set at £10k, therefore receiving £20,000.

This is a great opportunity for the public to make real and positive impact in the lives of women, reengaging back into society after being impacted by the justice system, fleeing domestic violence, facing unemployment and housing issues, Covid-19 pandemic related issues and so many other complex barriers.

It is also a chance for Southwark & Lewisham Women's Service to promote their essential services, discuss solutions and raise gender-inequality awareness, as well as so many issues women still face every day in London, and in our society.



·       £3 Gets a low-income woman to and from her advocacy appointment on the bus

·       £7.50 Pays for a woman to attend one of our workshops (comedy, storytelling, DV recovery etc)

·       £15 Pays for an hour-long advocacy session with one of our specially trained caseworkers

·       £20 Pays for a phone for a woman leaving prison who otherwise would struggle to organise her life/appointments without one

·       £75 A ‘Through the Gate’ Service where an advocate meets with a woman who has no other social connections on her day of release to ease her back into life in the community

·       £100 Pays for mental health care services for a client in need


For further information, contact Thais Zani on or 07951369204


When? Starts on International Women’s Day and runs for a week. Tue 8th March to Tue 15th March

What? Public donations via the website are to be matched by the DCM’s Tampon Tax Fund until our ring-fenced match funding award is used up. The award is £10k.

All donations must come through the Big Give/WS webpage using the DONATE button. Payments method accepted are debit cards, credit cards and PayPal.

Beneficiary? Women’s Service of Southwark & Lewisham project – part of Pecan charity (registered charity in England and Wales #801819)

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