Better Futures+ programme announce new events for London SMEs


Funded by the Mayor of London, the Better Futures+ programme provides eligible London SMEs with a business support package worth £1000’s to help them plan to get to Net Zero.

The next phase of the programme will be launching soon.  Register your interest here as places are limited.

Eligible businesses must be London-based businesses with a minimum of two full time employees and a turnover between £100K – £43 million.

Energy crisis management

26th October – Islington– 12:30-2:00pm

2x additional workshops October/November (dates TBC) – Barking, Bexley

Learn practical steps you can take to reduce your energy bills and manage energy usage better. Facilitated by industry expert Richard Dormer, who will provide insights on the current situation and who has dedicated his career to helping businesses reduce their energy footprint.


12th September – 10am-12:00pm - Barking

How to rethink packaging in hospitality to use less but better materials, cuts costs and be brand and customer friendly. Facilitated by materials specialist, Rob Holdway, who in this free workshop will explain why single use packaging is bad for business and offer practical steps you can take to eliminate unnecessary packaging.

Menu Planning & Ingredients sourcing

26th September – Barking – 10am-12pm

Find out why tweaking your menu to be friendly for the planet can be great for business and your bottom line. Learn in an interactive and friendly group, facilitated by the Sustainable Restaurant Association, who have worked with over 10,000 hospitality organisations on responsible menu planning.

De-carbonise your website and make it more inclusive

23rd November – Islington – 12:30-2:00pm

Your business website is where you win and lose customers, did you know it also has a carbon footprint? Facilitated by creative-carbon specialist, Khandiz Joni, learn how to improve your user experience, make it more inclusive for a wider audience, and use less data – which means much lower carbon emissions.

Lucinda Kellaway