Exploring Anxiety in the Workplace


As we experience more uncertain times in society, levels of anxiety are increasing and as a result The Mental Health Foundation has chosen Anxiety to be it's theme for 2023 Mental Health Awareness Week.

Team London Bridge are running a range of talks and workshops from 15-21st May and joining them, The Psychosynthesis Trust is running research and wellbeing programmes to explore the systemic nature of anxiety.

We are looking to understand how organisations and professionals in London Bridge are currently experiencing anxiety and we would be very grateful if you could complete this short survey to tell us more about anxiety and related symptoms within your organisation & its members.  

This survey is completely anonymous, no personal information will be used in the research, please answer all questions truthfully and in full.

To learn more about this social impact programme please: visit http://psychosynthesistrust.org.uk/social-impact

Join us for the workshop that will take place during Mental Health Awareness Week, on 17th May. Book your place here.

Join in for these events:

Lucinda Kellaway