Fiya House Hip Hop Weekender

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Sat 28 and Sun 29 August 2021 at The Scoop

Calling all Hip Hop fans! August Bank Holiday weekend at The Scoop amphitheatre, on the river front near London Bridge, will see the welcome return of Fiya House crew, Dickson Mbi and friends. Delivering interactive workshops for all the family - learn your top-rock from your Bart Simpson and your two-step from your cabbage patch! Watch pop-up performances from world-renowned dance artists and incredible live DJs, as we bring local people together to celebrate community spirit. The Hip Hop Weekender is just one of a series of events planned and presented by Team London Bridge at The Scoop this summer as part of the Summer by the River Festival.

Dickson Mbi, choreographer and dance artist has been working in the area recently, auditioning dancers from the Royal Ballet. Rehearsing at the fantastic Ugly Duck studios for 3 weeks, he has been creating a piece for the Draft Works Series at the Royal Opera House. Dickson first worked in London Bridge with his Hip Hop crew Fiya House, co-Directed by Brooke Milliner, delivering open community classes and a weekend jam in 2018 for Team London Bridge. Building on the success of this project together we delivered the international Hip Hop festival in January 2019, with judges and DJ’s flying in from around the world. Popcity was a collaboration with ten presenting partners across Europe and South East Asia.

You can watch Popcity here.

Dickson also led the Pina Bausch project London Dances the Nelken Line, see the film here.

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