Our London Bridge

What does a BID (Business Improvement District) do? This collaboration with the award-winning poet and spoken word artist LionHeart tells a story of Team London Bridge's work in our community.

With thanks to all the partners and individuals who have been instrumental in helping Team London Bridge make our area a great place to work, live and visit since 2006.


Our London Bridge

by LionHeart

Far from a flash in the pan,

this cauldron of culture and care

is an ambulance

saving memories yet to be made,

the grass is greener here, you can smell it

in the air, on the walls, clearly community

is the bridge that makes this place inseparable.


We’re an area of friendly faces, eco friendly 

places and a vibrancy

aligned with giving camera snappers the right 

lighting conditions,

a backdrop for a magic vision. 


Our London Bridge is protected, because it’s 

cared for, 

better connected, determined not to lose sight of what truly matters to us, 

to the people we work with, their knowledge

it's purpose,

turning a stranger’s smile into philanthropy, because that’s all it takes

A border open for all, hoping for more, to be explored,

A diverse festival

full of people, businesses and artistic influences


Come witness this, our London Bridge is a stage, 

Break-dancing, body popping and interlocking activities

that frees the kiddies within the over fifties, under fifties, 

turning opportunities into universities 

we observe how we

can learn from each creative, curative and innovative initiative

to celebrate this bridge between us,

constructed by us, for us, with us in mind.

This is our London Bridge, built together,

boldly forward thinking, with a history

hooked on outdoing itself each

and every single day,

playing to thrive and aspire,


Look, put it this way...

If the winning is for the taking,

I know who I’d want on my team…


Our London Bridge is in the making,

And this area of ours, is a date in the future

we are all 

looking forward to.

LionHeart is a TEDx Speaker, BBC Radio London Presenter, Award Winning Poet and International SpokenWord Performer.
Find out more.

Find out more about Team London Bridge services and projects featured in this film here.
