Team London Bridge partnered up with Certitude, London's leading adult social care provider for people living with learning disabilities, autism, mental health support needs and their families and carers.
As part of one of their leading programmes, Treat Me Right!, they will deliver awareness training to customer facing professionals and other services across London, so they can better understand the experiences of people with autism and learning disabilities and make reasonable adjustments to the way services are delivered.
The training is delivered by people who know first-hand what good and poor support looks like – because they themselves have experienced it.
This one hour training session will cover:
The basics of these conditions
How they may affect people
How they may affect the customer/user experience or the office working environment
There will be two sessions, so please choose the one that’s most suitable for your profession:
19th July, 12:00-13:00 (online) – for office workers and how best to adapt to colleagues in the office environment/ working from home
27th July, 11:00- 12:00 (online) – for customer facing roles and how best to adapt to clients (museums, hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes)
Learn more about Certitude and their Treat Me Right programme