You Will Knead | Kara Chin | VITRINE London & Digital

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'You Will Knead’ is British-Singaporean artist Kara Chin’s first solo project with the gallery and is realised across two sites: VITRINE, London and VITRINE, Digital.

The artist presents a new body of work which reflects on coping mechanisms used over periods of lockdown in 2020 and into 2021, continuing her inquiry into technology’s relationship to our everyday environments.

‘You Will Knead’ is a timely exhibition that reflects on society's experience of the social restrictions in place. Because of this, the gallery believe that launching the exhibition in February allows the show to exist within a moment that it directly speaks of. ‘You Will Knead’ is able to be safely delivered and made publicly viewable over a period of national lockdown because firstly, the gallery space’s architecture and outdoor function enables this, and secondly, the exhibition’s physical-to-digital aspect offers an expansion of its audience, delivering the project to homes internationally.

VITRINE, London & VITRINE, Digital
6 February - 11 April 2021
Launching Saturday 6 February
Online Preview today from 5pm GMT on Clubhouse

Further information here
Visit VITRINE, Digital here

Guest UserLLBart