ICRS Webinar: Domestic Violence, Personal Safety and the Role of Employers

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Staying home isn't safe for everyone. Domestic violence has soared since the start of the lockdown, with rates of deaths increasing and helplines and online services experiencing surges in calls: the National Domestic Abuse helpline, run by Refuge, saw increases in calls of up to 49%. 

Homeworking and other conditions imposed by lockdown are believed to exacerbate triggers for outbursts, and the restriction on movements means that the victims often lack a means of escape.

Visibility of domestic violence to employers may be undermined by the fact that many employees are currently working from home. In this webinar, we explore the responsibilities that businesses have towards their employees, and the practical steps that they can take to ensuring that their workers stay safe and happy. 

This webinar took place on 12th May 2020.

One of the key contributors was Lorna Gavin, Head of Diversity, Includion and Corporate Responsibility at Gowling WLG.