Free Cyber Vulnerability Assessments available for SMEs


The Metropolitan Police’s Fraud and Linked Crime Online (FALCON) unit are now offering SMEs free vulnerability assessments.

This is the practice of testing a computer system, network or web application to find areas that an attacker could exploit and often conducted by private cyber security providers at a cost.

A large percentage of cyber crimes occur when the attacker has found a well-known, easily exploitable vulnerability in an organisation’s network. These are all crimes which could have been prevented if the organisation had known about the vulnerability and taken action.

The scans are quick, non-intrusive and provide a summary report highlighting any areas for improvement that the business can act on if they wish. The assessment can also help organisations comply with regulations and certifications such as Cyber Essentials, GDPR and ISO27001.

Team London Bridge have gone through the process ourselves and would strongly encourage others to take advantage of the scheme too.

For more information or to request an assessment, please email   or call 0207 230 8893.