Become part of the Carbon Neutral Routemap 

Team London Bridge launched a Carbon Neutral Routemap last year. To help us on this journey, we have set up a Net Zero steering group, and are offering a free tool for businesses to measure their carbon footprint.

Led by our business community

Last month, our business community came together to form the London Bridge Net Zero Steering Group.

The steering group will provide strategic direction and leadership of all our work to reduce the 130,000 tonnes of CO2 that we generate in London Bridge (2019 baseline), as calculated with the xtonnes carbon footprint measuring tool.

Steve Johnson is a Director at Hilson Moran and has been nominated Chair of the steering group. Steve said “I’m really pleased to be able to help the London Bridge community take action on climate change, it’s so important for businesses to play a full role, and as a community we can act together”.

Our steering group members are from the following businesses

  • Bridge Theatre

  • dRMM

  • Electric Shuffle

  • Fully Charged

  • Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust

  • Hilson Moran

  • King’s College London

  • Kroll

  • London Bridge City (Savills)

  • Macfarlane Associates

  • News UK

  • Protiviti

  • REM

  • Sapphire Systems, and

  • Unicorn Theatre

London Bridge Net Zero Steering Group Terms of Reference

Get involved

Our members have decided we will need to form sub-groups so we can “divide and conquer” on different activities – like capacity building, ESG, a sustainable transition fund, and sustainable energy. This will be a way for our wider community to participate, and we are keen to recruit sustainability champions. Interested? Contact

Take action – measure your carbon data with xtonnes

Many of us are taking sustainable actions. But only by measuring your carbon footprint can you truly measure your transition to being green.

We are providing business members free access to the xtonnes software until April 2024 to measure your organisational carbon footprint (see example above). This is a unique opportunity to assess your emissions, understand how to reduce them and contribute to our collective efforts to decarbonise our BID. Please contact for more information and a demo of the new xtonnes software (with new features!).

Lucinda Kellaway