ADAM Grooming Atelier launch NHS Fundraiser

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ADAM Grooming Atelier - based in London Bridge Station’s The Shard Arcade - have launched a fundraiser for NHS Charities Together and will match each donation made with a £10 discount voucher to be used towards your next haircut when ADAM reopens its doors.

All our stores may currently be closed due to the outbreak but this shouldn't stop us from giving back to those who are helping to protect and care for us at this extraordinary time: the NHS. The ADAM family have decided to support the fundraising of NHS Charities Together and we would like to match each of your donations with a discount voucher to be used towards your next haircut when ADAM reopens its doors. Hopefully very shortly. 

Feel free to spread the word and remember to opt in to share your email address with the fundraiser when making the donation (step 4) so that we can send you the digital vouchers (up to £10 off).

All money raised will go directly to NHS Charities Together, which helps NHS staff and volunteers caring for Covid-19 patients in the UK.

Find out more

Lucinda Kellaway