Guy's and St Thomas' Charity #KeepUsAllGoing Appeal


This is no ordinary time, and these are no ordinary teams. 17,500 doctors, nurses and other wonderful NHS staff across St Thomas’, Guy's and Evelina hospitals are working around the clock to care for those affected by the pandemic. Day and night, they are working tirelessly, providing support that is above and beyond, and giving the best possible care to patients. Right now, their wellbeing and welfare is of the utmost importance.

With your generosity Guy’s and St Thomas’s Charity will be able to provide the incredible staff across Guy’s and St Thomas’ & Evelina London with the extra resources needed urgently on the frontline such as:

  • The development of on-site supermarkets to provide free groceries and essentials for staff who may be unable to get to a store before or after their shifts

  • The creation of comfortable wellbeing areas in the hospital for staff during their shifts

  • Psychological and wellbeing support for those staff who need it

  • Accommodation for staff having to isolate away from families so that they can continue to care for coronavirus patients

  • As well as care packages, digital screens and a host of additional wellbeing items for staff

However, there is so much more to do. GSTC’s ambition is to raise £1million through this appeal as well as harness the groundswell of support and turn this into long-term support for Guy’s and St Thomas’. 

Below are a few ways that companies and individuals can support the campaign:

  • Make a donation to donations will be spent on staff wellbeing during this time and beyond as well as areas of critical need as this situation evolves. It’s really important for us to build up an unrestricted pot of funding which can be used rapidly on areas of priority

  • Spread the word - Organisations spreading the word of our campaign on their company social media channels and internal comms channels. Our fundraising team can help to provide support to companies that would like to support in this way

  • Gifts in kind - If any companies feel that they could support with a gift in kind or would like to find out more about this programme then they can contact ourteam at  

  • Messages of support - We would love companies to rally staff to send messages of support to keep our staff going through this time. We know how much messages of support mean to the teams at the hospital during this time. 

Every donation, gift and message of support makes a difference. Thank you.

Lucinda Kellaway