Keep moving during the lockdown
by Jack Skillen, Placeshaping Director
With all the restrictions in place now that we’re in lockdown, it is important to incorporate activity and exercise into your working day to stay productive.
When working from home, it is easy to get stuck at a desk (or a kitchen table or a sofa) without all that exercise we get just from our commute or from going out to get lunch – not to mention any gym, swimming or group recreational activities you do. And side-effects of coronavirus are isolation, anxiety and inactivity.
I’ve been in isolation for 2 weeks now, so am getting used to finding ways of keeping active. So here are my tips:
Getting out for a walk
Walking really is the best and most accessible exercise for everyone. It gets literally hundreds of muscles moving, also supporting healthy lungs, heart and bones. It’s also good for your mental health, improving mood, your sleep, and reducing stress. It can also be social - just seeing other people out and about, or saying hello to a neighbour, can make you feel more connected with the world. They say if it was invented, it would be considered a miracle cure.
So try and get half an hour, still permitted within the lockdown guidelines, but try and choose a location that isn’t too busy, where you get to see some greenery or hear wildlife, and just keep 2 metres away from others (I find walking on the grass rather than paths helps).
I’ve started to wear a mask now, and not feel self-conscious. Remember, you can also take a walk to your local shop if you don’t have any symptoms, so build activity into your daily routines.
Try a cycle
You won’t be riding a bike to work, but you can still feel the wind blowing through your hair on a local bike-ride. It is easy to do social distancing on a bike, and it’s permitted in the guidelines.
Family fitness
Now that I’m home schooling two kids as well as doing my own work, we have joined the home exercise revolution, enjoying 25 minutes with Joe Wicks live on Youtube at 9am, along with 1 million others. It’s not just for kids, and you can do it at your own pace.
And just about anything else you can try
Has there ever been such an opportunity to find an activity online and have a go at it in your living room? Yoga, kick-boxing, meditation or Zumba. The online world is your oyster, and I’m sure many people will develop new passions. Keep an eye out for our Virtual Love Lunch classes (coming soon!) for inspiration.
But for me, just going for a walk is keeping me sane and helping me to stay as productive as I can.
More advice:
- Jack Skillen, Placeshaping Director