Medi-Culture Festival returns this October


Celebrating the area's fascinating ties with health and medicine, the London Bridge Medi-Culture festival returns 24 - 31 October!

From medical stand-up comedy to mindful music and herbal pharmacy demos, the week long line-up of performances, walks, talks and workshops explores healthcare, wellbeing, history and science in unexpected ways.

Highlights include John Hegley's Biscuit of Destiny, a new show from celebrated poet and musician John Hegley. The award-winning performance delves into the more eccentric side of the Romantic Poet and former Guys Hospital apprentice John Keats, alongside everyday goings-on in the Hegley homes of now and yesteryear. John will also host a special poetry workshop.

Comedy fans can soak up the the silliness of some London's funniest people in the historic surroundings of Guy's Medical School Chapel at the Science Showoff  stand-up cabaret, while craft lovers can combine their passion with science at the stem cell embroidery workshop with King's Engaged Researcher Network.  You can view the full line-up here

Book your tickets at with many events FREE to book.