Third Space Outdoor Classes

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Whilst we’re patiently waiting for the 12th of April to roll round for gyms to re-open and the 17th of May to get back to our pumping studio classes, if you need your class fix before then, don’t worry – we’ve got you.

Come train with your favourite instructors and the kit that you’ve been missing during lockdown as we launch our covered outdoor group exercise tent outside Third Space Tower Bridge.

 Conquer brutal AMRAPs and max calorie efforts in our 45 minute outdoor Yard WOD class. You'll have your space with your own equipment, no switching or sharing.

 Focus on strength, speed, endurance & power in a daily changing workout; all designed to push you to be your personal best. Utilising performance cardio machines (think rowers, assault bikes, Watt bikes and ski-ergs) and weights, programmed by our Master Trainers to keep you and your body guessing.

 Find more information here.

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