Your views wanted: Leathermarket Gardens Community Hub design development


Hopefully you have heard about the work Southwark Council are doing to enhance Leathermarket Gardens and its surrounds.

A local steering group developed a vision and priorities that Southwark Council consulted on earlier in 2022 with over 100 people taking part. The results showed very high support for improving the local park and open space network and connections, its ecology, climate resilience, providing equal access and more social opportunities. We also heard that people love the current character of Leathermarket Gardens so these designs complement what is already here rather than making big statements.

Since the earlier consultation Southwark Counci have been working to better understand the area, people’s views and their inspiration. They have responded with designs to enhance greening and improve access while creating better spaces, places and local journeys. Now they would like to hear your comments on the latest designs.

This consultation being carried out by our regeneration team at Southwark Council closes 23 January 2023.


Lucinda Kellaway